
Sunday, December 6, 2015

Blogging Reboot: No stone unturned

*Check this thing even still on?

After 2+ years of only remotely thinking about posting something on my blog, I think it's time to revive this old thing.  However, in my 2 year, soul-searching, thesis writing hiatus, I've been inspired to write about a slightly different aspect of my travels. In this blog, I'd like to go deeper into the science and more technical aspects of the wonders I encounter in my travels. That's really what inspires me to travel in the first see and marvel at new landscapes, engage with different people, and to experience another culture. Luckily, my profession as a geologist allows me to do those things pretty easily - quenching my perpetual wanderlust, and satisfying my need to understand the natural world around me, as a scientist. 

So for this blog, I intend to share the little details on the geology, history, anthropology, and all those back stories from my travels around the globe. I'd like to share the knowledge that I've learned through these experiences with the world (well, at least with the 6 people who will end up reading this blog, and the one person who will end up reading this particular first post....thanks Mom).  I hope to give you a glimpse of how and what my eyes see in the world, and explain them with my eager, scientific zeal...and hopefully, through it all, leave no stone unturned.

- Kaleb 

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